Blind folded that’s what the world has become…we see death and it doesn’t faze us anymore… it become part of our daily life… kids dying… no big deal any more… just because of a simple fact … they are Palestinian kids… isn’t that true… if I am wrong some one tells me… why the blood of Palestinians has no value… and it has been since the occupation… their suffering has become another part of our daily life… seeing them on TV… humiliated… dragged… shot … even killed… and nothing is being done… the Arabic leaders… they turned into ladders carry the marks of other county leaders shoes… the Arabic leaders turned into toilet papers there is only one use for them… and that’s is exactly what they are… shame on them… there heads should never be lifted high … let the world know that Arabic leaders are no leaders of mine… for I don’t belong to such cowards… Palestine… I may not able to be there for you to offer you my blood… but I am here for you to offer you my voice… for the world will know what you and your people are all about… for all of you my Palestinian heroes… stand up for the truth … and fight for your freedom… I know you have it in you… and I know you don’t need any ones help … I believe in your strength… power in unity … power in unity…
By: Susan Makosch