Friday, April 11, 2014

I Am Your Gal…

If I had a chance to write a personal add it will begin something like this:

(Do you have an ex-wife, or an ex-girlfriend that you want to rekindle passion with her …You are in luck because I am your gal.  All you have to do is take me out on one or two dates and you will be back were you belong).

Welcome to my life story but before you set down and get comfortable in your seat make sure you have popcorn, bear, or a glass of wine and enjoy the ride.  My story being when my sister Nadine thought I was a lonely woman and I need a companion in my life.  So I took her advice and began my journey in the dating world.  

My first date name was Steve who the moment he walked into my life I thought he was my soul-mate, but after a month or so of dating he calls me up while working on a Thursday and tells me that he and his ex-girlfriend will like to rekindle an old flame that have not been distinguish and asks me what I thought of what he just told me.  Hum, really I am not sure what he was expecting me to tell him.  But I kept my self-respect in check and I did what I believe any loving kind human being should do and wished him best of luck and hoped he will be happy just like part of Whitney Houston song “I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of, and I wish to you, joy and happiness, but above all this, I wish you Love. 

After a year or so I finally thought I will be over Steve because the universe sent me David ascending from the horizon of heaven to heal my broken heart and rebuild the damage that Steve left behind.  Ah, David, David, David my savior who will heroically superglue back together my shattered heart.  And what would you know, David after a week or so of dating and having discussion about how we are meant to be together, calls me up on another dreadful Thursday to gently and softly let me down easy, because he was returning to rekindle an old flame who she was engaged for four months to another man, but now she is free and wants him back.  Ahhhh once again I kept my self-respect in check and I did what I believe any loving kind human being should do and wished him best of luck and hoped he will be happy just like part of Whitney Houston song “I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of, and I wish to you, joy and happiness, but above all this, I wish you Love. 
You think after those two rude awakening I would call off the search for Mr. Right.  But come on who are we kidding as my little sister Hadeel use to tease me and say  “You are glutton for punishment” little did I know she was right.   Year 2013 left and it took with it any hope that might left for me to find find Mr. Right and 2014 took over and I am still holding my head up high and believing 2014 will be the year for me were my luck will turn and I will find that special someone who will see me for who I am and just fall in love with me and I will with him.  One way or another I thought this year is going to be different.  In my infinite wisdom and day dreaming incantations I was convinced the talk I had with Cupid and asking him to lay off the Prozac or whatever drugs he is on for my sake and help me to find Mr. Right things will change.  
In his wisdom and kindness Cupid sends me Mark, just like the movie Bridget Jones Diary cupid sends me “Mark Darcy”.  Ah, Cupid finally got it right and he sends me a man who promised me he will not break my heart like “Steve and David”.  Little did I know Cupid must have sneaked behind my back and had hand full of Prozac and he must of accidentally plummet something in my drink along the way?  And once more while I am under the influence of what Cupid dropped in my cup believed Mark every word.  And once more I feel flat on my face and Cupid hit his arrow straight into my heart and not Mark.  Another failure and another disappointment in the department of love, and you think with someone at my age will “GIVE UP” and just when I thought I will just hang my hat up and call it quit it Paul happened.  
John “John Paul” he tiptoed into my life out of nowhere and who am I to not to give love one more try.  Our first date was amazing and we really connected and I was really shocked this could actually be the end of me searching for Mr. Right.  Since the first date was amazing Paul asks me out on a second date and I happily accepted.  And to my surprise and I think it’s the Universe collaborating with Cupid I have forgotten that it was Thursday, that dreadful Thursday and yes once more my wonderful readers you guessed it.  Paul tells me he is flying April 21, 2014 to Italy hoping rekindle an old flame with his ex-wife.  And as always; I kept my self-respect in check and I did what I believe any loving kind human being should do and wished him best of luck and hoped he will be happy just like part of Whitney Houston song “I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all you’ve dreamed of, and I wish to you, joy and happiness, but above all this, I wish you Love..  After the date is over I went home cried, and eat ice cream to heal my broken ego.   
I am not sure what is it exactly about me that send men flying back to the arms of their old flames.  At the beginning I was wondering if there was something major wrong with me.  But after a lot of soul searching, and thinking is it really me or simply them.  I arrived after countless hours of soul searching and private discussion between me, myself, and I, to an important conclusion:  
The “Universe” along with “Cupid” wicked sense of humor are telling me “LOVE WAS NOT MEANT FOR ME”.  

Susan Makosch

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